Legal notices

This website is the MUES Design property. Associated information to the society : Headquarter of society is based in Paris, 71 boulevard de Strasbourg 75010: capital 3000 euros, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number : 795 121 607. Code NAF 4778C, TVA number: FR 03 795 121 607.

Publication director is Melissa Coat, who is Manager and partner. Managing editor and partner is Hanna Levy.

Information associated to host :

FASTEO SAS, capital 35 000 euros, RCS Bayonne registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number : 791 862 154 Code APE 6202A – N° TVA : FR 20791862154; Headquarter is based in Bidart, Zone Technopole Izarbel - Bâtiment Estia 2 - 64210 Bidart - France


Information associated to the legal representative :

Melissa Coat: 0033 6 70 80 78 - Email : Adress : 71 boulevard de Strasbourg 75010 Paris – France.

Our client service is available from Monday to Friday from 10am to 12pm and 14pm to 18pm.